Workshop Promotion with EPNet

Promote your equine photography workshop, tour or online education through the Equine Photographers Network

Do you offer equine photography related workshops, tours or online educational seminars and mentoring? We invite you to promote your event with us.

Your listing will appear with an image, descriptive text and event link in our newsletter and on our new page of workshop listings on the EPNet site. Guest workshop listings will also be posted on the EPNet Facebook and Instagram pages every Wednesday for our Workshop Wednesday feature on social media.

Workshop newsletters are emailed Spring and Fall. Our mailings go out to approximately 4500 subscribers and average a 60% open rate. Our subscribers are active horse lovers, photography enthusiasts, artists and travelers. Our EPNet Facebook page has 225k followers and our Instagram page has 4500 followers.

The deadline for the upcoming Workshop Newsletters are February 1st and September 15th. Listings will appear chronologically on the EPNet site and newsletter. New listings will appear on our website when received and run until the event date.

The promotion fee includes a listing in our upcoming newsletter, on the EPNet website and one promo on our social media pages:

  • Single promotional listing: $125
  • Multiple separate listings for several events: $95 each (min 2 - max 6)
  • Single listing for multiple or ongoing events, online courses and mentoring: $250
    You may also use this option if you prefer to describe all workshops offered over the year in one listing. It will appear in both Workshop newsletters and 2 social media promos (limit 600 characters, one image, one link)

Ready? create your listing

EPNet Professional level members: log in and use alternate form for your member discount.

Contact us if you have any questions about how to best promote your event.

EPnet website listings will be removed after event’s date.
We reserve the right to decline to promote any event at our discretion.