Tina Thuell
Born and raised in Bermuda, I discovered my passion for photography at an early age. Self taught, I began my career in earnest, in 2000 while living in the Adirondack Mts. of New York. I started out my business from home making original Fine Art note cards and from there doors quickly began to open and soon found myself photographing a wide variety of subjects including doing special events, portraiture and weddings.
It wasn’t until 2005 when I came across the website of renowned equine photographer, Tony Stromberg, that I saw how I could merge my passion for photography with my lifelong love of horses. Tony’s incredibly powerful images struck a cord with such clarity, that I knew exactly what it was I was meant to do. Within weeks of my ‘Aha moment’ I joined Tony Stromberg for one of his workshops which quickly cemented my belief and decision and gave me the jump start I needed.
I continue my education by joining my favorite mentors and fellow photographers in workshops around the country all of whom are passionate about photographing horses. This brings me such tremendous joy. There is nothing like the absolute thrill and exhilaration of being surrounded by horses, especially out in the wilds, with camera in hand, it simply does not get any better than that!~
A single photograph or a collection of photographs is considered by many to be priceless, a part of ones history and something to be treasured for a lifetime and generations to come. “If I can add to anyone’s collection of ‘treasures’ then I will feel I have been successful”
Tina Thuell Photography
18 Narrows Lane, Bermuda DD 01Selected Images
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