Members have recommended the following resources. If you have additional suggestions please reply and we will add them periodically.
What is Copyright? – Site explains copyright around the world and current issues.
The United States Copyright Office – Where to register a copyright
The Intellectual Property Group – a specialist law firm
NPPA Copyright – National Press Photographers Association on copyright
Brad Templeton Copyright Myths– 10 Big Myths about copyright explained
Bert P. Krages: Register Copyrights – a lawyer specializing in Publishing Law
TheLawTog® – photographers’ contract law specialist
What to do if you have been infringed – photo attorney’s recommended actions
Has someone stolen your photo? – free explanation of steps to take for internet photo theft
Help! I’ve Been Infringed! – steps to take when you discover infringement
May I make a painting of a photograph – answers to the common question
Robert Vavra: Horses in Art – To Copy Legally or Illegally – response to use of reference photos
Robert Vavra states in the linked article: “The copyright for a photograph lasts for the life of the artist plus 50 years. If the photo was “work for hire — meaning the photographer created the work within the scope of employment — the studio’s copyright would last for 75 years.”